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When will the GDPR pot boil over?

Our friends over at HelpNetSecurity wrote a great article on watching the GDPR pot. Hint: the old adage about a watched pot may not apply here. PII Compliance offers compliance monitoring across multiple channels against an ever changing landscape of security threats...

Companies positioned for GDPR

Some Companies are better positioned for GDPR than others. Here are the big ones to keep on your radar:   1. InCountry InCountry touts itself as a”information residency-as-a-service” platform that helps international companies...

Finding a GDPR Consultant

Businesses have spent hundreds of hours working on policy implementation and legal reviews, nevertheless, a surprisingly low number of businesses are GDPR-ready. Major technology companies, including Microsoft and Facebook, have announced global policy changes in...

Privacy Shield and GDPR

  Companies certified with the EU – US Privacy Shield may have GDPR compliant practices, but should understand that GDPR presents a larger scope of policies. The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework provides a method for companies to transfer personal data to...

E.U. starts enforcing GDPR policies

British Airways faces a 230 million dollar fine after a website failure compromised the private details of approximately 500,000 customers. In a quote from the European Justice Comissioner: “Of course we made it very serious that we enforce the GDPR rules...