Automated Data Privacy Compliance

Track your companies cloud and on-premise software for regulatory compliance issues (GDPR, CCPA, NY DFS), and provides real time reporting and solutions.

Compliance as a Service

Data Privacy compliance has become one of the single most significant business challenges. Even the world’s most advanced tech companies like Facebook and Google struggle with compliance. This requires a massive enterprise change to the way PII systems are managed to reduce risk and minimize financial and business impacts of data privacy laws and policies. Full PII LIfecycle management from data acquisition to retirement.

Live monitoring at an Organizational Level

  • A single overview of all PII locations, lifecycle status, compliance status and risk levels across your organization internally and with 3rd parties.
  • Streamlined interface to ensure your company stays up to date with country & region regulations regarding data privacy policy
  • Connect to your cloud services to deploy instant verification checks
  • Dynamic checklists give you step by step instructions to ensure continuous enterprise compliance

Do you know what you are acquiring?

  • If you are conducting an M&A, and acquiring a business, congrats! But we’re hare to remind you that not only are you acquiring customers and profits, but general data practices and privacy integrity as well. PiiCompliance can scan your newly acquired datasets for Privacy and GDPR risks, so you know exactly what you acquired. 


Where do we keep supplier, customer, employee PII?
We do not store any PII in the PII compliance product. We simply identify PII being stored, and draw attention to it if it doesn’t meet compliance standards.
How can we track 3rd party vendor compliance?
Using our database of 3rd party vendors, we conduct our own research, and utilize public databases to keep this info up to date. You may request to add a vendor to our database at any time.

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